Cephalopodunk is some kind of rinky-dink gamedev operation.
I've been fortunate enough to be in a few articles and exhibitions, but I always forget. This page is mostly to remind me, e.g. when imposter syndrome strikes!
Cephalopodunk is a one person indie-dev 'team' consisting of me. I make little games. Some people like some of them.
* * *
The name is a concatenation of cephalopod and podunk;
i.e. an octopus of no significance.
Contact & LINKS
Twitter is usually easier if you want to get in touch.
I also make random twitter bots, let me show them to you:
I'm proud of this SVG bot that generates pretty cities.
New constellations and fragments of myth.
Updates from the worst supernatural containment agency.
A long and strange party with aliens.
Look, I had to deal with one too many stupidly named softeware products, and I just snapped, ok?